How to choose the right VOIP provider – Our guide

How to choose the right VOIP provider – Our guideIn this guide we’ll take a look into what makes a great VOIP provider, how you should choose the right one for your requirements and a brief summary of the best options currently available on the market.Whether you’re looking for a new VOIP phone system for your business, also known as …

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How to use affiliate marketing within your business

Affiliate marketing stands out as a solely performance-based portion of any successful digital marketing strategy. With reward parameters dictated by the brand, affiliate partners are rewarded for the traffic or conversions that they drive with their marketing efforts. This makes affiliate programmes a popular strategy and an extremely beneficial one, for both brands and their affiliate partners. Affiliate marketing has …

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Millennials and Generation Z not picking up the phone

Millennials and Generation Z not wanting to pick up the phone could spell trouble for businesses.It always seems like millennials are constantly under fire for something or another, but this time it looks to be for a valid reason – a threat to business as we know it.Jamie Brown, Managing Director of Calldrive, an instant callback platform for business, talks …

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M2M Sim cards

If you’re looking for M2M sim cards, you’ve come to the right place. We can help you find the right Sim cards for your solution. After all, every IoT (internet of things) solution these days is completely different to the last. From those needing rafts and rafts of data right through to a fixed IP Sim as part of a wider …

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What is Gamma Horizon?

Horizon is a hosted business telephone service that utilises cloud technology to provide a wide range of fixed and mobile telephony capabilities.A user-friendly web portal ensures that the administrator can manage the system easily, while also maximising employees productivity.One of the main goals of the Horizon hosted system is to provide businesses with a platform that they can manage and …

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Do I need a survey when buying a house?

Buying a house is a huge decision. It’s important not to leave anything to chance. The last thing you want are any nasty surprises and your dream home to rapidly turn into a complete nightmare! A costly nightmare, at that…Whilst it’s not a legal requirement to have a survey completed, the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what …

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How much does a photocopier lease cost?

How much does a photocopier lease cost?In this article we’ll be exploring how much a photocopier lease will cost and whether it will be a more cost effective option for your business compared to renting or buying. We’ll also talk about some of the key considerations when deciding between leasing, renting or buying and how to identify the features you’ll need …

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